Companion SCP/MIDI INC/DEC Recall


I can’t find a way to use INC/DEC Recall function with stremdeck buttons.
Or connect buttons with user def keys to do that.

Second question is something like page bookmark. Selecting premium rack I recieve command
KeySelect/KeySelectMuteDCAGroup ch:00 and Val: number is a rack number but i cant program it because value is restricted to 0-9

Someone have any idea?

Ill look into that. The bookmark command looks wrong too.

A post was split to a new topic: Channel Numbers

There’s no Inc/Dec recall command within Yamaha’s protocol. The UDK’s for INC and DEC Recall are done internally. To recreate this function in Companion would be a bit of work.

You cannot select pages or screens using the MIDI or SCP modules. Yamaha does not have those commands in their external protocols.