Show with multiple scenes on QL/CL.
I have an actor preset in channel library and I recall that before show. Next on rehersal and during the show a twek the parameters of EQ. Everything accept channel on and level is recall safe so when I change compressor, eq it will fallow on every scene. Now in one I want to have different eq. And than how to go back to previous eq on another scene?
I can make a que link with autoupdate for scene before bob with hat and one after but how to “catch” parameters of eq without touching everything? Something like get(chanell 11 eq parameters)
Or how to catch eq parameters when recalling a channel library? Is it possible without touching every eq parameter?
I know that I can do that with focus recall (not recall safe the eq), recall every scene with eq unchecked in focus recall and only on scene with bob with hat recall the eq. But how to go back to previous scene eq when I changed that and is different than saved in next scene?
Do you have a solution for that scenario?