Bug - renaming connection breaks Meters

Im not entirely sure if this is a bug with the RCP module, or just Companion handling variables in general:

I have been adding input meters on my RIOs and TFs over the last couple days and it’s been going great. Today, I decided to rename a lot of my connections to make things easier to find on the Variables page of companion. I noticed that all the buttons that had meter feedback were suddenly in a “broken” state (solid red bar, like the meter variables hadn’t been entered).

When I checked on one of the buttons, the Variable was fine - it had even been automatically renamed to coincide with the new connection name (which I thought was pretty smooth).

After some tinkering I figured out that you have to:
1.) cycle “Auto-Create Variable” off then back on in whichever Meter module you’re using (for me its Meter/InCh on my RIOs)
2.) enter any keyboard character after your Value in the VU Module (Ive been adding a space then deleting it JIC)

Its not the end of the world if this is inherent in Companion - its just a PITA right now because I have 6 Rio3224s

Hey Colin;

Thank you for reporting this. I haven’t tried renaming connections after adding buttons so I don’t know myself what doing that is “breaking”.
I’ll see if I can test that myself in the next while as I’m pretty curious.