I’ve been playing around with these modules and I have a specific question, I’d love to recall an eq from a library and change the input patch on a specific channel for understudies etc, I’ve seen in other threads that this exists, but perhaps I havent looked enough to find a help file with these specific companion commands. Does that exists somewhere?
Thanks so much, i have the modules in companion and connected to my ql, just wondering what specific command within that module i should use for library recall and input patch recall. Or if there is a help file with descriptions of each command. Thanks!
Use the action recorder to find the command.
Enable Action Recorder for the CLQL
module (not RCP) and then check “record”, then recall a library to a channel.
The command should show up in the list of recorded commands. Usually a few others will as well, like selected channel, bank changes or other things that you might not need.
Click finish and paste it to a previously created button (with no actions) then edit as needed.
The best way by far is to always use the action recorder for the CLQL module, as there’s 10k+ actions available!
Hi Josh,
Input library recall is
yamaha-MIDI: LibRcl__INEQ____
Channel is the channel number that this acts on and Scene is the saved EQ library scene.
And I think
yamaha-MIDI: PatchInInput/PatchIn will do the patch.
No quite sure how that works as I’ve not used suit yet.