DM7 RCP Macro Download *Trust*


My name is Hunter! I’m attempting to download the RCP Macro Module for the Yamaha DM7 but seem to be getting blocked by the “trust” system. Could you anyone help me with this?

Do you mean the macro “page”?
The RCP “module” is already included in Companion.

Hey Andy!

Sorry! I’m looking for the macro button as highlighted in the description of the module within companion. I’m also trying to program commands for the “Cue” attribute of the DM7 but don’t see it available as an option. Is this coming to the module or is there another way of going about this?

Macro buttons are here:

You should be able to download that now.

Yamaha didn’t support the cue command via RCP on the DM7 but they might now with the 1.60 software. I’ll check and see if there’s an update.