Hey all - I added this to MeestorX’s Git as an issue but I noticed the codebase in there is V1.1.2 while the published module is V1.1.7 so I’m a bit unsure if it’s the right repo. Hoping someone can help me out here.
I adore this Generic Midi module - it’s hopefully solving a very irritating problem for how I can integrate a midi fader controller into ETC EOS using triggers in Companion. That said… I’ve run into a bit of an issue.
My device is sending the raw message of channel 0 shown in the debug log:
debug: Received: pitch Message, channel: 0 (0x00), value: 128 (0x80) from "VMX8"
Which immediately reports as channel 1 on the lastMessage Variable indicating that the module is making the translation.
Creating a trigger based on “MIDI Message Incoming” (midiIn) using the condition “Receive MIDI Message” > Message Type Pitch Wheel > Channel 1 > Use Variables > Auto Create Variable will not allow me to select channel zero but also will not trigger on channel 1. Disabling the filter allows me to take actions based on modifying the auto-created variable “_pitch_1”.
As far as I can tell, the condition statement is analyzing the raw value (channel zero) as the received midi message but the auto-created variable is working off of the module modified “last message” and working off of channel 1.
I’m sure there’s reasons for not allowing a value of zero in the trigger field, but in my particular case it is a challenge!