Ledmeter via akai apc mini

Hello, I’m new here! I have signed up after the reply on my comment on Youtube About the chance to create a LED Meter via Generic MIDI and Companion!


Tell me what you’re trying to do.

Have you checked out the videos here already?

Yes, but there must have been a misunderstanding, as i was referencing to the RCV as in Rode Caster Video Module in Companion.

I don’t know anything about the RCV module, but I can help with the generic MIDI module if you let me know what you’re trying to do specifically and where you’re getting stuck.

Well, the RCV module is just a module that recon various inputs from the RVC itself. Like the volume on specific channels. I’d like to create a led meter on the “free” pads of AKAI APC Mini. I’m programming it in a way that when said module can detect a certain level it would trigger a specific pad. Problem is that this way I would have to program every single pad for every single level set (-18, -12 etc) and every single channel. Is there a way to do the same in a faster way?

Thank you for that additional info.

Probably the easiest way to figure this out would be if you send me a page export of a single button that works the way you want but requires too many steps and I’ll have a look and see if something can be done using variables and triggers.