LS9 - iphone

Does anyone know of any software to allow me to control my LS9 on my iphone?

I don’t know about any dedicated Studio Manager iphone apps but one way to do it is to sync a regular computer to the LS9 and then use a VNC app on your iphone (there are many available) to control that computer. Your computer will also need VNC software that will run as a server to talk with other devices via a network.

If you use PC, tightvnc is probably the top free VNC software and works just fine. Mac, not sure.

That will work with anything that can do VNC which these days is pretty much any modern computer/tablet/smartphone. I recently tried it on my android phone and my pc laptop and it works fine. Granted, controlling a mixer from that small of a screen is not ideal, and I doubt I’d try it in a show, but its something.

On a Mac running OS10.5 or 10.6 go to the System preferences and open the Sharing option. Within that screen check the “screen sharing” option and set the password in the “computer settings”. On your phone, open your VNC app of choice ( I have iTeleport which is a bit pricey at $24 ) and look for available devices - it should find your Mac - and enter the password as requested then press “connect”. You will now have a window into your Mac desktop as shown in the screen capture here. You will have to set assorted preferences in your VNC app to get the mouse working the way you prefer. It’s really well below the threshold of usability at least for me because of the small screen size. A better solution is really just parking a wifi router at the console and walk around with the computer running Studio Manager rather than try to control the Studio Manager with the phone. I gather it’s not so bad on an iPad however.

iPhone Manager is an all-in-one iphone file manager to complete iphone manage for iphone holders. hope it will help.

KiwiRemote v1.2.0 Beta can control the all Yamaha Mixing desks. V1.1.0 works perfect with M7CL. V1.2.0 Beta version is not published in the home site, because not tested with LS9 yet.
If you are interested in, i can send you beta version to test with LS9.
For the program details, you can get info at home site " ".