Midi feedback with Lama Mix

so from what i can tell it looks like it only sends something if i first teach it midi to something.

So i thought Ch1 controller 7 to my Ch 14 in my mixer and that tracks right. Looks like i am getting two sets of data for it one on controller 7 and one on controller 127.

127 is what i am using for mute and 7 is my fader. I can see them both working in protokol and got it so it changes feedback on the mute.

But i cant get it working with a second channel

Why is it sending the data continuously? It should only send the MIDI messages when you actually make a change on the mixer.
Are you sending MIDI messages constantly to the mixer too?
I wonder if your loop-MIDI setup is in a “feedback loop” of sending back the messages it receives constantly?

I had a look at the website for lama - is there no manual for the software?

This is their info not the best documentation Instructions for setting up Mix – LAMA

Is the only MIDI option Mackie-format messages?