I am using lamamix which utilizes both midi and Macie control. I have an iPad that is connected via MCU but also companion connected as well with a stream deck +
I have a custom variable that shows the volume in midi 0-127. I can adjust the volume in the channel with the knob on the stream deck. I can adjust the volume at the same time on the iPad.
The iPad sees the companion changes. But companion doesn’t seem aware of the iPad changes.
Is there. A way to see it change and keep them in sync together?
You can use the action recorder to record whatever midi messages are coming in so you can view them or use them in actions, feedbacks, whatever.
You can also see them in the module log.
we chatted before about this and you had sent me a couple companion files to try and got it working. Due to a windows crash issue i seemed to have lost those files. Are you able to resend the old and new versions to make the midi connection work?
We are running lama mix audio mixer software on a machine. We have a few channels we want to control via midi in companion (3 ch overall we want to control of the 16 in lama)
We are using a streamdeck+ so we want to have it be volume up/down and when we press it we want to mute.
I am trying to figure out how to do this so feedback on the mute can be used to change the state of a button in companion (red if muted green if not) but cant seem to find a way to do that.
I created custom variables for each channel we want to control. I uploading some pictures.
I don’t think you’ll need any custom variables for what you’re looking to do.
The pictures are showing how you control the volume, and note that relative will only work if the device you’re controlling actually sends out MIDI when a control is adjusted. Not all devices do, and also you have to set up your device to transmit MIDI as well as receive it.
So, to use feedback, you have to first make sure the device is actually sending MIDI to companion. Easiest way to do that will be to open up the module log.
Beside the name of the MIDI module on the “Connections” tab will be a button with 3 dots. Click on that and select “View Logs”.
That will open up a new window that will show you the MIDI messages going to and coming from your device.
Once you can see that log, try adjusting the volume or pressing mute on the lama. If it’s sending MIDI, you should see the message listed on the log.
Let’s start there - send me a screenshot of the log once you have MIDI flowing from your lama to Companion.
i am also strugglign with getting multiple channels to work in companion. I can control 1 but as soon as i add a second the first one stops working as well
The key to this will be determining the exact messages that the lama sends out.
What message does it send for mute channel 1?
What message does it send for mute channel 2?
It would be good if there were a way to “turn off” the continuous messages coming from the lama that you DON’T need…
Do you have a link to a manual for the MIDI setup on the Lama?
“Channels” in the MIDI world are not mixer channels. Likely the lama is only using MIDI channel 1. Again, we need to figure out what the lama’s default messages are, unless you have configured them yourself? MIDI is quite often completely configurable on most devices. Typically, there’s a MIDI setup screen or page where you can determine what MIDI message is used for each function on the mixer.
That’s what we need to find.