Thank you for this thread! It’s gotten me much farther than I was able to get on my own.
I now have ProP7 and the ATEM talking via MIDI, but there’s a weird - but consistent - stuttering issue when running my macro on the ATEM. It works fine triggering from the ATEM, it works fine triggering from Companion, but when I trigger ProPresenter, it stutters. I made a brief video showing that the connections are working but something is happening when triggering from ProPresenter.
Open the module log for the MIDI module (the “>_” icon beside the module name in Companion) and look at what the messages are that are incoming and outgoing.
My guess is that there’s the NoteOn as expected, but maybe a NoteOff or some other message coming in that’s stopping the macro.
The module log will show you all the incoming and outgoing MIDI messages.
Also, having the MIDI IN and MIDI OUT button presets on Companion can be very handy as it will let you know if there’s additional MIDI messages coming in or out that weren’t expected, as the button will flash when MIDI date is received or sent.
I don’t know anything about the ATEM or Pro Presenter, but perhaps it’s an issue with loopMIDI? I know that back in the day when I used it, it would do some weird things if I tried to have a single loopMIDI port that did both send and receive, so I would have to create 2 loopMIDI virtual ports, one for send and one for receive. Don’t know if that has anything to do with your issue, but something to maybe check.
I’m not sure it’s loopMIDI as the test triggers from Companion work perfectly. I did create an IN and OUT port to segregate the traffic, but that did not affect the result.
I submitted a support ticket with ProPresenter, as there is something seemingly wrong with the connection or how it’s sending MIDI commands. I linked them to this post for review
Again, thank you for your assistance and offering a forum to ask these questions. I will update this thread if I come across a solution or if ProPresenter has any feedback.
No I have not. I was working with Renewed Vision back and forth for about a week and then the support dried up. I just abandoned the issue for now because I don’t have time to deal with it. The issue till persists exactly as before.
I finally got a chance to do more testing today and realized that it’s more of an issue of the MIDI note being received correctly. When I emulated a MIDI note pressed by a Stream Deck, the same issue happened when the same note was triggered by ProPresenter. You can see the video here:
Logs created during this video, along with the Companion configuration file, can be found here: Attachments
Any thoughts? Could loopMIDI be causing some kind of issue? Can MIDI commands “feedback” like analog audio and cause problems? If so, how do you mitigate it?
TY. Yeah, so great troubleshooting to get it to this point.
It looks like if you run the action directly from Companion, it works properly. If it receives a MIDI message via LoopMIDI, there’s a problem.
But, what is it that’s actually STOPPING the action on the ATEM? I almost think that somehow a “Note Off” message is being received or something, but dunno where that’s originating from.
Couple things to try:
Is there a way to use something OTHER than a Note On message to trigger the ATEM? Could it be a CC message or something else? That might help to determine if something is sending another note message that’s stopping the ATEM action.
If you have a program that can trace MIDI messages (on my Mac I use MIDIMonitor) and I can have it “sniff” messages being sent anywhere so I can see what is actually being sent and received. Dunno of a Windows equivalent
Is there a way to use a hardware MIDI device (if you have one) instead of loopMIDI, just for testing?
Is there another program other than loopMIDI to create virtual ports?
I assume there’s no way to test this functionality on a Mac?
The TRIGGER functionality works with the ATEM from Companion. Still, if I send a MIDI command via Companion (i.e.–hitting the button to trigger noteon_2_1_1 or any other note), it hiccups all the same.
So it DOES seem like loopMIDI may be the logjam here.
Unfortunately, I’m not the world’s best regarding MIDI. I’ve done some virtual instruments in Reaper but nothing where MIDI controls something else.
I’ll work through your items over the next week or so as I have time. Unfortunately, from what I can tell, Windows is fairly limited regarding MIDI software. I’ll keep looking!
Also, unfortunately, we do not have a Mac on-site to test with.
There were a lot of steps to get to this point so I’ll try to just to the TL;DR here.
loopMIDI was overwhelmed by the ATEM software which was set to “allow MIDI control.” For some reason, the ATEM blasted a NOTE OFF command on every channel MULTIPLE TIMES PER SECOND.
I switched to LoopBe1 (and turned off the MIDI control pref in the ATEM software). Then I reconfigured Companion and ProPresenter to send/receive through LoopBe1, and voila!
ProPresenter hits a MIDI note (Ch 2, Note 1, Vel 1) both on and then back off
Companion checks the “last received” MIDI message and if it’s noteon_2_1_1 it runs the Trigger
The Trigger tells the ATEM to Preset the Video input, sets the transition to a 15-frame fade, waits for half a second, and then executes the transition.
This way, the operator doesn’t have to worry about clicking “go” on the video and messing with the video switcher simultaneously. With a barebones crew, taking one thing off their plate is a big deal!
Thank you so much for your time with me to offer suggestions and help troubleshoot. I truly appreciate the help!
Congratulations on figuring this out!
It sounds though like the key to this is turning off MIDI control on the ATEM software. I don’t think LoopBe1 would work any differently than loopMIDI.
Perhaps. If I feel industrious I will double-check to see if loopMIDI works with the ATEM preferences corrected If I am able to get to it, I will update my findings here!