Motorola DTR 2430 LCD Flex cable broken - how to fix?

Hello everyone,

First of all, I love this site. It has provided me with many resources for the Motorola DTR radios.

I recently bought a pair on eBay but the seller wasn’t totally honest with me, one speaker of my 2430s was broken and the batteries were also bad. Apparently eBay couldn’t help me so I figured I would fix it myself.

i found a tiny rupture in the flexcable for the lcd
does anyone know if I can still find a new display unit with cable for it? I tried googling the part numbers but found nothing.

Part numbers on the unit are:
LCD Display:

34D01 HS 30506
HLM78301 BLE830 (last digit could also be: 0/8/2)

SYE88 (88 could also be 86/88) 2820922



I’m located in Europe by the way.

Thanks in advance