Naming on DM7

I have been using Companion to name input channels on multiple desks for a while now.
We just got a DM7 and I can’t seem to get the name to push to the input channel on the DM7.
I am just checking that there are others who use this and it works.
I’m sure I’ve been over the settings and I’m using the correct setup.
The desk is in admin user.
It works on our CL and Rivage desks.


Other functions are working properly with the DM7, just the renaming of channels isn’t?

Can you open the module log, try a channel naming action and then send me what it shows on the log or export the log to me?

Hi Andy,
I am not sure what this error means.
Recently updated to firmware 1.7, but it still wasn’t working on 1.51 either.


Bug in DM7 processing. Surprised nobody else noticed that, so THANK YOU for reporting it.

Please download the (hopefully) fixed version here, following the instructions for dev modules.

Check when you run companion that you’re seeing version 3.5.4 of the RCP module.
LMK if that fixes the problem!

I’ll check this week at some point between jobs and get back to you.


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Yes. The naming works correctly now.
Thanks heaps.

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