OSC Companion OSCulator and Stream Deck Mini

I’m new with a Stream Deck device and I bought the Stream Deck Mini.
I’ve followed this video https://youtu.be/gmB0eYMRZ40 which does exactly what I’m trying to achieve but in my case it doesn’t work. I don’t know what else to do.
Is there any problem maybe with the Stream Deck Mini device?

Sorry, I’ve never used that module so I can’t help!
Maybe try contacting the person who made whatever module you’re using. Pressing the ? beside the module’s name typically brings up a help window that gives some instructions and also contact info.

Thanks Andy for your reply but my question is much simpler.

I want to use TouchOSC to control my StramDeck Mini

I have assigned a generic OSC command to button 9 on page 1. I can fire that button with TouchOSC iOS app but only passing through OSCulator.

If I set the port to 12321 on TouchOSC, leaving the same IP, since Companion is on the same machine as OSCulator, it doesn’t communicates directly with Companion and subsequently with SDMini.


No idea. Nothing I’ve ever tried.
I assume you started the thread on FB? Julian and others will be the best ones to help you there.
You can also join their slack group (link at the bottom of the bitfocus.io homepage) and ask there.

The problem was that TouchOS does not accept floating point values.

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