Possible bug with Generic MIDI module?

I am sending MIDI note On from Propresenter to Companion MIDI module. I have set up triggers that fire when a particular channel/note/velocity is seen. That works as expected. However, if I resend the same channel/note/velocity value a second time the trigger will NOT fire. The log shows that the MIDI note is received but nothing happens.

It’s not until the same channel/note but a different velocity is received that the trigger then will fire when it sees it’s target again.

Hope that makes sense.

I would expect that the same channel/note/velocity could be resent any number of times and the trigger would fire every time but I’m not seeing that happen. Is this a bug perhaps or is it behaving as designed?

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It’s as designed.

Here’s how to do what you ask:

Thanks for the video. That’s not very intuitive though.

I tried sending a note off command from ProPres thinking that I could then resend the original value and that didn’t work in my situation either.

What’s the use case for a trigger watching for a particular channel/note/velocity ?

So I built a trigger using the method specified in the video but that trigger will not fire a second time using that method either.

Did you try creating a trigger exactly as shown in the video? It should definitely work.
Make sure you pay attention to repeated instructions at the end:

If it’s still not working, can you do a screen capture or send me your config so I can have a look?

Not sure what you’re asking here. Isn’t that what you were looking to do?

Hmmm… it works, sorta. Somehow I can make it stop working even using the video method but not sure how.

I’m asking why does a trigger set to fire on a particular channel/note/velocity ONLY works one time until a different velocity for the same channel/note is sent. I don’t understand why someone would want it to work in that fashion, thus the question.

It’s called a “1-shot” in logic. Like a on/off switch. Once a switch is turned on, you need to actively turn it off again. Turning it on a 2nd time if it’s already on does nothing.

To do a “flip-flop” as it’s called in logic, you should set it up the way I’ve shown in the video.

Again, if you’re still struggling to get it to work, please send me a screen capture or config and I’ll be happy to help you troubleshoot it.

But that’s just it, I tried sending a note off command from Propresenter and that didn’t work either. See post #3.

Sorry, “didn’t work” isn’t really enough information to know where the problem lies.

Please send me a screen capture or config and I’ll do my best to help.