Sends on Fader with Yamaha DM7


First of all, thank you for all your work on this project!

I mix monitors with Yamaha DM7. Sometimes I have a Yamaha DM7 Control with 12 additional User Defined Keys, which help me a lot in my workflow. Some rental companies don’t offer Yamaha DM7 Control and I’m missing real buttons for the User Defined Keys on my job.

I tried Streamdeck with Companien and was able to solve a few things I wanted to do (talk to specific mix with dim function, metering for IEM sends etc). What I really want is to use the Streamdeck for send on fader. But I have not found a way to achieve this.

Does anyone know if this is possible?

Thanks a lot!


PS: I know send on fader is a big topic in this forum, but I couldn’t really find an answer.

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Welcome, Phillip!

Sadly, no, that functionality is not part of the Yamaha RCP or OSC spec. Feel free to bug Yamaha to add it and I’ll gladly add it to my module!

Hi Andy,

I have spoken to Yamaha Pro Audio Support Germany. They see no advantage in adding this to RCP or OSC as you have to stand next to the console to use send on faders anyway. If I need more user defined keys I can use a DM7 control. :man_shrugging:

Well, I guess you have your answer. Not what we wanted to hear, but so it goes. I guess another solution would be to carry your OWN DM7-Control, but that’s only if it made sense financially.
Perhaps one day Yamaha will open up the control capabilities of the DM series like they did with the CL, QL and all the consoles before them! (My CL/QL Companion module can do what you’re asking, but that was the last console that had the extensive MIDI control that all Yamaha’s previous consoles had)

Just a suggestion - use one of the pages on the 7” utility screen and create shortcuts to SOF. It works very well for me.

Hey Aleksey,

Thank you for your suggestion. I am currently using it in the same way. However, if you also implement Talkback via the User Defined Keys in the Utility Screen, you have to change banks all the time and that’s really not fast.

Well for Talkback you can have one soft key in the same bank of soft keys on the utility screen so it’s always it’s ready to go and you avoid jumping back and forth between banks of buttons. Or, you can map the talkback to your stream deck instead…in fact I think you can map multiple talkbacks that go to different outputs and map those to your stream deck.

Yes, I do that too, but when I use 10 mixes and more, 12 user defined keys are not enough and I’m constantly struggling with switching banks.

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