Is it possible to create variables for the Generic Midi Module using a Sysex action?
The screenshot below occurs when I try to send a custom variable using either bytes and hex.
My plan would be to create custom variables for Cuelists ($(internal:custom_Cuelist8) and custom variables for Cues ($(internal:custom_Cue1) using only the portion of bytes or hex needed for those portions. The action would essentially look like:
Sysex: $(internal:custom_Cue1) $(internal:custom_Cuelist8).
The Cue1 variables would contain all of the information (bytes or hex) leading up to and including the Cue information, and the Cuelist8 variable would contain everything else. Is this possible? I’ve tried combining all the data into a custom variable and breaking it up but I am still getting the Not a number error.