Turning on Oscillator on CL5


I’m trying to toggle the oscillator on a CL5. I am able to load the SetupOSCSetting / OSCSettingOn action which I assumed would toggle the oscillator but it doesn’t seem to. Any advice?

I am using v3.1.2 of the CLQL Sysex module. Is that most current?


3.1.2 is the latest.

Use the action recorder to figure out the correct command string.
Start the recorder then toggle the OSC on and off and see what message is recorded.

Andy - thanks for the help working this out.

Here’s what I’ve found. If I temporarily assign OSC on / off to a web button it works and logs the command “SetupOSCSetting/OSCSettingOn Ch 00/00”

If I create the action to follow a button press on the console however it logs: “SetupOSCSetting/OSCSettingOn Ch 513/00” and OSC does not toggle

Any ideas?


Here’s a video showing how to create a button using the Action Recorder.
I have companion connected to my CL1 and am recording the Oscillator “OUTPUT” button which is what switches the Oscillator on and off on the CL. Works bi-directionally and I added feedback to show the Oscillator status.

Download video

Have a look and let me know where you’re running into trouble.

Andy -
Thanks for the video. I am able to make a button and toggle the OSC. but that is not my goal. The action recorder displays the OSCSettingOn command but when I use it as part of a conditional trigger it fails.

I have a trigger watching for a condition on the CL5 (in my case when a DCA is on or off) which then completes a series of actions, one of which is to toggle the OSC. All the actions are performed except the OSC. The log also includes “SetupOSCSetting_obsolete/OSCSettingOn” when using a button but not for the conditional trigger.

Are you able to test this on your CL1?

I just did another experiment. If I use the action recorder to load the “toggle osc” action onto a button it works, however if I just select the OSCSettingOn action directly it doesn’t work. Hmmmmm

Thank you so much for your help
Be well

Andy -

Following your video, try and make a second button but select the action directly that matches the one picked when using the recorder (but don’t use the recorder). When done this way the button no longer seems to toggle the OSC. Do you get similar results?


Thank you for reporting this. It should be fixed in 3.1.3. Give it a try and let me know.



Thanks for the quick work. I get an error with that link. Do I need some permissions to download?


For some reason your trust level wasn’t high enough.

See here:

You should be good now.


Woo hoo!! Thank you it works perfectly

Be well

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