YammieQ Instructions (Windows)

Basic instructions on how to get YammieQ up and running. This is not a replacement for watching the tutorials!

  1. You’ll need a Windows PC with .NET installed. XP or newer OS.
  2. Download the Editor for the mixer you’ll be using.
  3. If you’re going to be working with the CL or QL console, skip to step 7
  4. You’ll need the Studio Manager Host for your editor.
  5. Download LoopMIDI and install.
  6. Create 2 Virtual MIDI ports with LoopMIDI called LoopMIDI IN and LoopMIDI OUT
  7. Download the latest YammieQ
  8. Upzip the YammieQ archive to a location that’s easy to find on your computer, make a shortcut for YammieQ.EXE for convenience.
  9. Watch the Setup Tutorial. Run YammieQ and watch the tutorial again and follow it along while testing YammieQ.
  10. You may see an error the first time you run the program, where it can’t find Settings.xml. This is normal, it will create this file the first time you run the program.

Reply in this thread if any of these instructions are unclear or if I’ve missed any steps.

After you’ve successfully gotten YammieQ working with one of the Editors, you can safely move on to using it with a physical Yamaha mixer.

Most Yamaha mixers can connect to YammieQ in a couple of different ways. Basically, there’s connecting as though you are connecting to Studio Manager, and there’s connecting via a “MIDI” connection. There are some slight differences as to what messages will be sent and received if you’re connecting as SM vs. MIDI, but the advantage of connecting via MIDI is that you can still use SM at the same time.

*** If you are using a console OTHER than the CL or QL, download and install the MIDI driver for your console or Network driver for LS9/M7CL, hook up your computer to your console and check that your Editor can control the console FIRST!! ***


  • Via LAN (SM connection) - Select “via LAN” in YammieQ and follow the instructions on YammieQ, with “Use Editor” unchecked.
  • Via MIDI (MIDI connection) - Select “via MIDI” in YammieQ and using a MIDI interface connected to your computer, connect to the MIDI in and MIDI out connections on the Mixer. In the MIDI setup on the mixer, turn on Parameter RX and TX. Make sure “Use Editor” on YammieQ is unchecked.


  • Via LAN (SM connection) - Make sure the Yamaha Network driver (previously called the DME driver) is installed and working with SM first, then use the same settings for YammieQ, with “Use Editor” unchecked.
  • Via MIDI (MIDI connection) - Using a MIDI interface connected to your computer, connect to the MIDI in and MIDI out connections on the Mixer. In the MIDI setup on the mixer, turn on Parameter RX and TX. Make sure “Use Editor” on YammieQ is unchecked.


  • Via USB (SM connection) - Make sure the Yamaha USB driver is installed and working with SM first, then use the same settings for YammieQ. In the MIDI setup on the mixer, make sure USB is selected for the Editor connection. Make sure “Use Editor” on YammieQ is unchecked.
  • Via USB (MIDI connection) - Make sure the Yamaha USB driver is installed and working, then use the same settings for YammieQ. In the MIDI setup on the mixer, turn on Parameter RX and TX. Make sure “Use Editor” on YammieQ is unchecked.
  • Via MIDI (MIDI connection) - Using a MIDI interface connected to your computer, connect to the MIDI in and MIDI out connections on the Mixer. In the MIDI setup on the mixer, turn on Parameter RX and TX. Make sure “Use Editor” on YammieQ is unchecked.

Downloadable/Printable version of the above instructions attached. (PDF format)
YammieQ Installation Instructions-2.pdf (43.6 KB)