Channel Name to Custom Variable?

Your Yamaha Midi Module and RCP Modules are seriously really really cool!! THANKS SO MUCH!!
I am using them in Companion 2 on a Mac so that I can make a CL/QL Fader Flip Properly (I’ve always thought PM1D/PM5D did it properly and its been broken ever since, but, thats a whole different conversation!!!)…


Is there a way I can make the selected channel number be a variable?

my ultimately goal is to be able to select a channel on a console, and (if it is in the correct range of channels) press a stream deck button that changes its Mix Bus and DCA assignments…

I would also use this custom variable to put feedback on the above stream deck button…


Hey Reid;

Thank you for your kind words. Glad it’s useful for you.

I assume you are able to choose “Selected Ch” for any of those functions, the only missing part is the ability to create a trigger that limits which channels can be selected?


Yes, I can choose “selected channel” for the actions…
But I when I am building the conditions to launch a trigger, traditionally I would choose a variable, and the required value… In this case I would be looking for the variable to be something like “selected_channel” and the value to be the specific channel number…

Hope that makes sense !

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I understand. I’ll see what I can do.

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A post was split to a new topic: Rcp: InCh as variable