generic-MIDI module questions

I am SO excited about this midi module, its not funny.

I have a couple questions I could use some help with, please!

  1. Can a USB midi to DIN cable (or even a hardware midi interface) be connected to a companion pi to access those drivers/ports? A single DIN would be great enough - but multiple would be even cooler.

  2. I come from iConnectivity devices using RTP. So I send out hardware device to an RTP port, then use Auracle to map all the destinations I need on the hardware. Is it possible to have something similar with the Pi RTP ports?

  3. I bought some 3rd party stream deck MIDI controller profiles. I know they’re completely unrelated - but - is there any way to port, copy, use those profiles without having to start over and rebuild them?
    I think that’s all for now.


Hello and welcome!

I’ll see what I can do for answers. Others may have other suggestions…

Probably - assuming the USB to MIDI device has Linux drivers, it should “just work”.

You mean some MIDI routing software on the Pi? Again, possibly, if someone makes software like that. I’m not familiar with what there is, as I just use the iConnectivity hardware to do that.

You mean for the Stream Deck software? I guess you could use Companion as a plug-in within the Stream Deck software, but I don’t do that, so I don’t really know how well that would work. I don’t use the SD software, just Companion.

Thank you for the fast reply!

1 - I have one of the basic cables - i’ll try it out ASAP and let you know. I don’t know how to do much SSH / terminal SUDO whatever - but i’ll report back.

2- Fantastic. I know the iC stuff as well, so I’ll just stick to that! if it aint broke…

3- i definately don’t wanna use the SD software - so - i’ll just rebuild those options with your module. Do the work upfront and never have to mess with it again! was hoping for some magic one click thing. :).

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OMG OMG OMG OMG. I have some amazon simple USB A to MIDI - and it shows up!
And when I plug in my Iconnectivity Mio XM, all the ports show up!

i know this may not seem like a big deal to you - but it is to me!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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